Champions League Final


LM760T Back/Front View

   Last weekend my friend invited me over to watch a Champions League Final on his brand new LG TV.  The match was between Bayern Munich and Chelsea. Before the game even started all my attention was focused on the “smart TV”. The design is good, the quality of the image is even better, but I am always skeptical about all these new devices and gadgets that integrate almost everything into one. Usually one or more features would have some problems or won’t work at all.

   In the LG LM760T, they managed to insert everything they have been working on in the past few years. As a result it is not just a TV set, but a whole entertainment station. It has so much stuff that I don’t even know where to begin.

   First of all it’s got a super comfortable motion-sensing remote control, which works like a computer mouse. With this remote control the menu and all applications are way easier to access. The way this remote works on games reminded me of the Wii that my brother always plays.

   Another thing that I like very much is that I can check my facebook or twitter right there. While I was browsing the internet and using some other applications I actually had a feeling that I am using my PC. And on this TV you can remove any app that you don’t need, no reinstallation bugs/spam.

   Unfortunately, I cannot tell you anything about its 3D picture yet, but the 2D was just awesome. With the speakers my friend’s got at times it felt as if we were actually in the stadium watching the game and our team’s victory only doubled the excitement!

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