Great Deals on 3D Smart TVs in Currys


Currys marked down prices of TVs a couple of weeks ago and currently they are offering £100 more off on the selected models ordered by midnight on Tuesday 26th June 2012. What caught my eyes among all the products on sale was LG 3D Smart TV. Several 2012 LM models are marked way down. If you are thinking about getting one, it is a perfect time to make your final decision. 

Here are my picks. 

Click here to see the details of 47" LM9600V on Currys.
Click here to see the details of 47" LM860V on Currys
Click here to see the details of 47" LM760T on Currys
Click here to see the details of 47" LM660T on Currys
Click here to see the details of 47" LM620T on Currys

How are you watching Euro 2012? - 58.8% on HD TV


Euro 2012 on LG LM620T HD TV (Credit: Harvey Norman)
 With the TV technology getting better each day, Digital Spy recently did a survey on what majority of British people watch their sports on. There were over 1,500 participants and HDTV won with 58.8% which is quite reasonable. 
Survey from Digital Spy
However, what I couldn't accept was that there were only 3.9% of these people watching games on a 3D TV. They suspect it's because neither the BBC nor ITV offers games in 3D. I find it quite absurd though, because as a owner of 3D TV myself, watching sports in 3D is quite amazing. Especially if you own a smart TV, there are apps for sports in 3D. I know LG provides that option and I'm pretty sure others do as well.

And then there is the unfortunate 28% who still watch in standard definition and 0.9% who listen to the radio.. (I didn't know we still had those lol) 6.5% went to people that stream on their computers and 1.8% to smartphone or tablet.

I really hope the number of 3D demands goes up so the main service providers like BBC will start showing their programs in 3D because although my LG TV has many apps that provide contents in 3D, I admit there aren't as many 3D contents as HDTV contents.

LG cinema smart TV Magic Remote Tutorial Video


Currently, there are many discussions going around about the usage of LG’s new magic remote and LG recently released a tutorial video to help LG smart TV users to use it in a smart way.

This video covers from registering your remote with the TV to using simple commands with gestures. I might actually go grab one of these TVs just to check out this remote. It actually looks and sounds like the Nintendo Wii controller.

2012 Best Smart TVs by Cnet UK


Cnet posted on June 8th a list of Best Smart TVs based on their hands-on reviews of the Smart TVs release this year. They have their own user interface with built-in wifi, web browser and the apps like iPlayer, Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. LG and Samsung stood out among all the TVs on the list with voice and gesture control features. LG upgraded the Magic Motion Remote which was quite revolutionary last year. It still has a sensor in the remote so that we can point the remote to the TV screen and click for selection. 2012 Magic Motion Remote has a mic and wheel which makes it much easier to put in words and navigate by scrolling up and down. Samsung has the same features but in a totally different way. Voice and motion is recognized by the mic and the camera equipped in the bezel of the TV. It can be very convenient when multiple users want to log in with each one’s account and use a personalized interface. However, there have been worries about the invasion of privacy if somehow the camera’s security is compromised. 

Here is the list.
Read the full article on Cnet UK

 * MSRP stated on of LG 42LM620T is £999.99 and that of 55LM760T is £1799.99 as of June 17th.

2012 Best Eco-Friendly 3D Smart TV


LG LM760T is approved by Climatop
LG's Cinema 3D Smart TV, 47LM760T, received the Climatop Label for being effective in cutting carbon emissions and LG was recognized for its eco-friendly production and transportation process. LG has been looking for ways to make TVs that use less power in order to reduce carbon emissions. LG also stated that they're trying to cut carbon emissions in manufacturing and delivery processes.

LG's 3D Smart TVs, especially the 47LM760T, have relatively lighter weight than other smart TVs and that's what leads to the lower carbon emissions. How they made the TV lighter than others were by using a very thin bezel Cinema Screen design, which made the TV 14 percent lighter than its predecessors. Lighter weight products mean less energy required for transporting and distributing the products. The 47LM760T was also given an A+ for energy efficiency for using 20 percent less power than its predecessors.

Lovefilm Instant HD on LG 3D Smart TV


I'm back now with some exciting news as of late. Lovefilms, one of the most promising movie streaming services, decided to offer subscribers video-on-demand service with HD movies and TV series. The service costs £4.99 a month, which I think is more than a bargain.
Lovefilm Instant 30 day Free Trial
Lovefilm Instant, as they named it, will be available on LG smart TVs as well as Samsung and Xbox kinect. Support for ipad or playstation devices have yet to be announced so if you own one of them, you're better off waiting. (doesn't apply to LG owners, YAY).

The LG 3D TV that I purchased not too long ago actually has a lot more apps and useful services than its given credit for. I’m really excited that now I get to watch more movies in 3D at home. This, I think, will be by far the best £4.99 that I ever spent. 

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