How are you watching Euro 2012? - 58.8% on HD TV

Euro 2012 on LG LM620T HD TV (Credit: Harvey Norman)
 With the TV technology getting better each day, Digital Spy recently did a survey on what majority of British people watch their sports on. There were over 1,500 participants and HDTV won with 58.8% which is quite reasonable. 
Survey from Digital Spy
However, what I couldn't accept was that there were only 3.9% of these people watching games on a 3D TV. They suspect it's because neither the BBC nor ITV offers games in 3D. I find it quite absurd though, because as a owner of 3D TV myself, watching sports in 3D is quite amazing. Especially if you own a smart TV, there are apps for sports in 3D. I know LG provides that option and I'm pretty sure others do as well.

And then there is the unfortunate 28% who still watch in standard definition and 0.9% who listen to the radio.. (I didn't know we still had those lol) 6.5% went to people that stream on their computers and 1.8% to smartphone or tablet.

I really hope the number of 3D demands goes up so the main service providers like BBC will start showing their programs in 3D because although my LG TV has many apps that provide contents in 3D, I admit there aren't as many 3D contents as HDTV contents.


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